Saturday, May 16, 2009

Hutch's first time on the lake

It was a pretty spring day and we thought there was no better time to take Hutch on his first boat ride. We think that he enjoyed watching the water and taking in the fresh air but he got very annoyed by the huge life jacket he had to wear.

Picture update

It has been a long time since I have updated Hutch's blog so I am just posting several pictures from the last few months.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Cereal party

Hutch recently turned 4 months and that means that he gets to start eating cereal. Well, its not the yummy cereal that your thinking, I thought the same thing when I heard it too:) Anyways, we had a little cereal eating party to celebrate the milestone. He started out clean but that did not last long, needless to say he did not like the cereal very much.

First Christmas

I am pretty sure that we enjoyed opening Hutch's presents more than him. He did lend a hand in ripping some of the paper. Hutch's first Christmas was wonderful and he received more presents than he will be able to play with before next Christmas. I know that he will enjoy the holiday season a lot more next year when he has somewhat of an idea of what is going on.